Bucket List Spotlights with The Bucket List Mermaid

Get 5 Bucket List Ideas Delivered to your inbox Every Month!

Every month, I will carefully hand-pick 5 bucket list ideas and share them with you.

These ideas will be specific to the month, hidden gems, or general once-in-a-lifetime activities. If I have written a full guide on anything, I will be sure to let you know so that you can get more information.

The idea of bucket list spotlights actually came to me when I was scrolling through Instagram. I saw something I wanted to add to my bucket list. Then, POOF! It was gone.

By receiving bucket list ideas via email, you can revisit it and properly add it to your list when you have time. You can also do a little more research to see if you really want to add something to your list vs mindlessly scrolling on social media.

My goal is to get the creative travel juices flowing and to inspire you to say, "I want to make a goal to do that at some point in my life!" instead of "Wow. That's cool."

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